Thursday, September 04, 2008

Home Sweet Home

If I had to list features of what I considered important in creating my ideal town, it would look something like this:
  • Hot (or at least warm - 80+ F) most of the year
  • Enough cool coffee shops/bakeries around that the staff don't say: "Wow - I've never seen anyone fill up their frequent user card in 3 days before!"
  • Townies who will say hello when you look them in the eyes
  • Bike lanes ...and riders of all shapes & sizes who actually use them
  • Drivers who allow pedestrians to cross at crosswalks and elsewhere
  • Band fliers stapled to light posts (honestly, that's a real standard for me)
  • Festivals, Festivals, Festivals
  • Creeks or rivers without a single alligator
  • Police aren't summoned when there is a guy on the main drag in drag.
  • Restaurants and other businesses in old houses (I'm a sucker for it).
  • Really creative graffiti. 
  • And of course, lots of runners.
You can see why I have settled down nicely in Austin, Texas and why my husband will need back up from the National Guard to pry me away from this incredible town when his two year grad program at UT is over.

Of course, I have been humbled.  My pace on these mountains* has gone from "slow" to "She's mighty sweaty for a walker."   I met up with a group last night for their "Slow run," for which their website description is as follows: 
You know you're a slow runner if:
* Your shih tzu is waiting for you at the next water station.
* The dust from your grandma's walker has already settled.
* Your 8GB iPod starts repeating the same songs.
* You started at 5 o'clock and the bats have already flown.

Unfortunately, their prose is more entertaining than accurate, for I ended up huffing and puffing a mile behind them, trying to signal "I'm okay! I'll catch up!" in between hills.   But that's fine.  It's good for me to try harder and check out the scenery.  Besides, without the distraction of a group, I was able to people watch and read from the flier whose playing at Stubb's tonight.

*Okay, I know locals call them "hills", but this former Miami runner begs to differ.


Anonymous said...

Yee Haw! Welcome to Texas, Darlin'. Glad you could make it;)

renae said...

I love, love, love Austin!! My husband and I would love to relocate there but I keep chickening out because all our family is here. We'll be heading there next month to participate the LAF Challenge!

Kimberly said...

I also love Austin! I've loved running in Ft. Worth too...and drinking coffee at the big B&N!

And my pet peeve is sub-10 minute milers who claim "No really, I'm sooooooooo sloooooooow!" :-)

Vickie said...

I walked over to my mom's yesterday morning - talking on my cell phone the whole way - and I was huffin' and puffin' the whole way. I am not a good singer - but it occurred to me that if I sang the whole way - it would probably be a really good workout!!!

I have to have a good frozen spell to kill off the bugs so they don't get BIG. But so glad you love where you are!!!