Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A Last Hurrah

On Saturday, we walked to a 4th of July parade 3.1 miles away. By "we" I mean I walked, pushed and carried (two in the stroller and one in the backpack) us to a 4th of July parade 3.1 miles away...and back. After 7 years, I've become so accustomed to loading them up and going where I want to go. With one being 7 and the other nearing 5, my days are numbered.

I recently watched "Up In The Air" - that George Clooney movie. A part of the movie is Clooney's character traveling around making "motivational" speeches beginning with the question, "What does your life weigh?" Well, MY life weighs about 125 pounds plus gear (that's two 50-pound kids plus a 25-pound kid). I happily take the burden of that weight over the alternatives of finding and paying a babysitter every single time I need to exit the house and/or get a little exercise. Even bringing them to the gym isn't a great solution since I have to work around nap time and camp or school and it is sort of a zoo in there Monday-Friday.

So, having all three home most of the time this summer is sort of like a sneak preview for when I can't run whenever I want by just loading up the stroller. Enter: creative solutions. Today I did Step aerobics in the basement during nap time. Before that I rode the bike trainer in the garage (not so scenic), we have been to the gym too, there was the stroller plus backpack incident, but I was pretty sore after that. I've considered wind sprints back and forth in the driveway, but fear that to be over the line of mind-numbing. It is a good thing that I am not training for something right now. I've got this month "off" before marathon training sets in.

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