Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What happened to the newsletter?

Many of you are wondering what happened to the seeMOMMYrun e-newsletter. And I am getting quite a few emails asking why members are only receiving a handful of "AD" emails lately. No time like the present to address this issue.

As moms, we know how busy life can get. Right? Well, my life is no different from any of the fabulous, busy moms who use this site. Busy, busy, busy.

I WOULD LOVE TO FIND SOMEONE TO HELP WRITE ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. Email me at if you are willing to help find a couple of interesting articles and email them to me for the newsletter. This would be a huge help and take a bit of the burden off my aching shoulders.

The 2 or 3 "ad emails" that you have received over the past couple of months are from sponsors (aka. people who pay to help keep the site afloat). Without them seeMOMMYrun would either have to become a membership-fee-based site or would simply go away. So it is very important that seeMOMMYrun has a few sponsors to help out!

For those not interested in receiving sponsor emails, you can login and "Change Your Options" to no longer receive emails. Simple!

For those who lovingly accept sponsor emails, I salute you. Hopefully, I bring you some great deals and fun products that make your life a little easier.

I hope to send out the next e-newsletter in early November. It's about time, right?????

Thanks for your support,

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