Thursday, October 11, 2007


How did this happen? I once dressed well, always had perfect hair and make-up and now.......after babies #3 and 4, I have turned into a ponytail wearing, lucky to smear on some mascara, walking napkin. My little ones seem to think that anything offensive on their little faces or hands ( this does does include their noses) is fair game for anything I am wearing. Last night we met another mom and her 3 boys for dinner. When I rushed back home into the door to get the evening routine, which was seriously behind schedule, into play, I notice my reflection in a large mirror and thought.....who is that un-kempt woman??? She looks like a crumped up linen napkin at the end of a 7 course meal! I suppose someday I will miss these days........but as of today, if I have to be a napkin, can't it at least be the nice clean one folded like an elegant swan, BEFORE the meal starts??


carla said...

you got me thinking and made me LAUGH.

(love that last line)

Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

And I'm also wondering if I have the word "kleenex" screen printed on all the backs of my t-shirts. Where they heck did they learn that?!?

Trice said...

This made me laugh hard. I hate that I can rarely wear an outfit twice and when I'm dressed up I run from my kids. The really funny part is that I think I started the whole thing when they were little. They would fall down and I'd wipe their hands off on my jeans.....